Look around your neighborhood. Have you ever wondered why most of your neighbors already upgraded to glass block windows?
Depending on what part of town you live in, you've probably noticed that up to 90% of the homes around you already have glass block basement windows.
No post-construction upgrades are as common to homes built between 1900 and 2000. It's because none are as clear of a choice as glass block.
The 5 Reasons that Every Home Needs Glass Block
1. Dramatically improve home curb appeal and resale value
There is no bigger aesthetic transformation you can find for such a low cost, nor in only 1 day.
2. High security in the most vulnerable area of the home
"We don't even consider glass block windows an opening. We don't sell or install break-in sensors in glass block windows because people do not break in through them."
- ADT Cleveland
3. Energy efficiency to reduce gas and electric bills
Glass block basement windows are 3" thick, filled with pressurized air, and >10x denser than single-pane windows. One of the best before/after transformations will be your utility bills.
4. Superior value and durability – a fraction of the cost of most home projects and built to last a lifetime
Look at the projects you want for your home and find out: which of these will make a big difference for an affordable price? Which companies will stand behind their product and make sure I'm taken care of for life?
5. Protection from water damage and insects
The health and livability of your home starts at its foundation. You can prevent big problems with an affordable investment that will take only 1 day.